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The perfect tools to get you going. Find them here.

Your one and only source for all things inclusive? Our blog.

What has COVID19 taught us about inclusion at work?

December 16, 2020

Diversity and innovation are essential for the future. That is why inclusion becomes so important for companies. Everyone is entitled to a workplace where job satisfaction is also an important goal.

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11 diverse campaigns that show us how it’s done.

December 14, 2020

A while ago, I asked my network which campaigns pop in their head when they hear someone mention diverse or inclusive communication and marketing. It’s what lead to this great list of good practices and inclusive inspiration.

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Want to be inclusive? Start talking about it.

November 20, 2020

As an expert in inclusive communication, I’ve often sat at a table with HR managers, marketing officers and even CEO’s, who totally agree that diversity is important and an inclusive work culture is essential for the future of every company. Then I ask them if they’ve ever communicated about it.

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Ready to take a leap and discover more about inclusive communication?

Contact us to say hi, grab a (virtual) coffee and find out more.

+32 (0)4 84 693 984

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